
Color helps us create a consistent brand identity across our products. Shades selected in Pink Design maintain a AA accessibility level.


All of our colors are available as CSS variables. The CSS variables represent the HSL values, for example, --color-primary-100 is 343, 87%, 56%. Colors can be used as follows:

  div {
      color: hsl(var(--color-primary-100));
      /* To control opacity: */
      color: hsl(var(--color-primary-100) / 0.5);


Pink Design’s expanded brand color palette contains 3 shades. This is our primary color palette used to indicate primary actions.

  • --color-primary-100

  • --color-primary-200

  • --color-primary-300


Pink Design’s neutral palette is used for both light and dark mode. Neutrals are used mostly for background colors, text, and seperators.

  • --color-neutral-0

  • --color-neutral-5

  • --color-neutral-10

  • --color-neutral-15

  • --color-neutral-20

  • --color-neutral-50

  • --color-neutral-60

  • --color-neutral-70

  • --color-neutral-80

  • --color-neutral-85

  • --color-neutral-90

  • --color-neutral-100

  • --color-neutral-105

System Colors

In the Appwrite console, we use 4 system colors:

Information Blue often used for informative alerts and ‘selected’ mode in selectors.
Success Green often used for success alerts.
Warning Orange often used for warning alerts and modals.
Error Red often used for danger/error alerts.
  • --color-information-10

  • --color-information-50

  • --color-information-100

  • --color-information-120

  • --color-information-200

  • --color-success-10

  • --color-success-50

  • --color-success-100

  • --color-success-120

  • --color-success-200

  • --color-warning-10

  • --color-warning-50

  • --color-warning-100

  • --color-warning-120

  • --color-warning-200

  • --color-danger-10

  • --color-danger-50

  • --color-danger-100

  • --color-danger-120

  • --color-danger-200

Additional Colors

In the Appwrite console, we use the colors below in specific components, such as avatars and code snippets.

  • --color-blue-100

  • --color-green-100

  • --color-orange-100

  • --color-red-100

  • --color-purple-100

  • --color-pink-100

  • --color-mint-500

Special Colors

  • --color-text-disabled

  • --color-text-info

  • --color-text-danger

  • --color-text-warning

  • --color-text-success

  • --color-border